🌸 Hello lovelies! Be welcome to My Bodouir! 🌸
After over three years of O Meu Dolce Far Niente I decided to change almost everything about the blog. I haven't been happy with it for a while now, I wanted to do something different. For starters, I'm changing the name. This wasn't easy for me because I did love the name, it made perfect sense when I started because the tittle was very literal, I had nothing else to do and I could devote my entire time to the blog and talk about everything I enjoyed, from beauty to music, movies, television, food, health... everything!
This is the first big change here. (Un)fortunately, I don't have as much time as I used to, so if I want to keep a blog at and make it grow, I need to put my attention on one topic only. And that's where I never had any doubts. I wanted to focus on Beauty! I'm not saying that I will never talk about other things, but this will be my main focus. I do want to make it as diverse as possible, though. Not only I will try to reach every aspect of Beauty, but I also want to do more than reviews and I have some new fun and interesting ideas that I will slowly put into practice.
I'm also changing the language to English. This was a tough decision and the one I'm most uncertain about. While I do feel a lot more comfortable writing in English and this basically opens this blog to the rest of the world, I know that this decision will probably make me lose some of my current Portuguese followers and I'll be really sorry to see them go. I could try to write in both languages, but right now I'm afraid I won't have the time.
I'm very excited to (re)start this and I hope you'll enjoy the blog! 😘